dcoop wrote:Han wrote:dcoop wrote:My upload speed varies..from about 0.4 to 0.5, Which I imagine is quite poor...but the PES Online Test website tells me everything I have is rosy.. A A A it says.
And I dont have problems playing any other online games. Nothing of this magnitude anyway..
How do I know if my NAT system is open? Dont know anything about that.
It depends if you have a PS3 or an Xbox 360.
NAT goes open if you use the correct ports for your console.
You can find them as follows:
First of all, look into your console which IP-adres is used. That is in the Network settings. You need that IP-adres in step 6 below.
1. go to http://www.portforward.com/english/rout ... rindex.htm
2. Select your modem/router from the list
3. Then, ( after avoiding the advertisement ) you get a whole list of applications from which you choose your console ( so Xbox live 360 or PS3 Pro evolution soccer 2009, which uses the same ports as PES 2010 )
4. Now you see a step-by-step guide and on the bottom you see which ports are used.
5 In most modems somewhere in the guide you will be asked to fill in your local IP-adres: Here you put the IP-adres of your console ( remember, the one you find in the Network settings of your console
6 Now, follow the guide and fill in the correct ports and IP-adres, after which the NAT of your console should be open.
Im using a PC...
Would the guide be much the same anyway?
In that case, just read the readme-file in the Konami-map.
It will tell you which ports should be open.
Th IP-adres used is the IP-adres of your PC
You can find the IP adres of the PC by the folowing commands:
First goto Start-->run
type: cmd
you see a black window in which you should type: ipconfig
There you see the IP-adres of your PC.